If you are in crisis, get immediate help: Call 911
We work in the community & in schools
Our foundation is run by clinical psychologists who are skilled at offering culturally sensitive interventions. We know that many times, clinicians who work in communities of color do more harm than good due to not having an intimate appreciation of the community and their struggles. Our doctors are sophisticated and know how to meet people where they are at. We have years and years of experience offering services inside of communities in and around Chicago. We know that each community is different and has unique qualities that make them unique, and we understand that we cannot offer a safe space without working from within the context and cultural framework of our patients' lives.
Team Of Professionals
We Want to Connect with You!
We know we can do a better job as members of the human race to protect the vulnerable in our society. We want to work with the people interested in protecting those most vulnerable in Chicago. If you would like to discuss how we might partner, please contact us at 847.797.4699 or by email at contact@guadapsych.com.
Keep-up With Us!
Follow us on Instagram @tcfmh and on Facebook at The Chicago Foundation for Mental Health!